Quick Start

Good to know: You will need an API Key for every endpoint available. IsDown API is only available in the Enterprise plan.

Get your API keys

Your API requests are authenticated using API keys. Any request that doesn't include an API key will return an authorization Error.

You can create an API Key in your Account Settings.

Create API Key

  1. Sign in or create your account;

  2. Go to the Account Settings by clicking in the profile menu (top right);

  3. Choose a name for the API Key and click "Create your API Key"

  4. The key will only be available right after you create it. Save the API Key in a place where you want to recover it later (e.g., password manager), if needed.

How to use API Key

Every request to the API needs to be authenticated. To authenticate your requests you will need to send a Authorization header in your requests with this format.

Authorization: Bearer {API_KEY}

Postman Collection

If you are a Postman user, download the collection with all existing endpoints, and import it in your account.

Last updated